We are a Jesus loving, Bible believing, warm hearted, mission-minded church.
Our vision is to multiply a constellation of gospel-centered and Spirit empowered churches across the Southland and beyond.
By God’s grace we have planted and resourced many churches both locally and globally over the last 55 years.
We believe that God has called us to build with a vision for Southlands to be a faithful and fruitful 100 year old church.
We also want to live as a faith-filled conduit through which God could pour out His Sprit to revive His Church and renew the world.
Our mission will always be to glorify the Father in the power of the Spirit, by proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of Jesus.
Elders & Wives
Alan & Rynelle Frow
Chuck & Katrin Allen
Dan & Esther Chung
Joel & Shannon Baker
Kevin & Shannon Meisch
Kirk & Mandy Randolph
Matt & Adri Holmes
Matt & Danielle Larsen
Matt & Natalie Henderson
Ryan & Stacie MacDonald
Staff Team
Alan Frow
Lead Pastor
Antwone Barnes
College and Young Adults Lead
Becki Cox
Executive Assistant to Alan Frow
Charles Koo
Church Planting Resident
Danielle Watson
Administrator & Hospitality
Esther Park
Kids Ministry Assistant
Grace Kling
Media and Communications Coordinator
Hartley Allen
Worship & Production Assistant
Heather Davenport
Assistant Director of Operations
Jeremy Yamaguchi
Technical Director
Joel Baker
Executive Pastor
Kevin Meisch
Community Pastor
Kirk Randolph
Kristine Nethers
Women’s Minsitry
Maddy Cotton
Missions & Intern Program
Mandy Wallace
Access Ministry
Matt Holmes
Matt Larsen
Family Pastor
Rynelle Frow
Sam Cox
Worship Director
Shannon Baker
Children’s Ministry Director
We are part of the Advance Global movement of Churches which is connected to the Newfrontiers family of Churches. Find out more at www.advancemovement.com